Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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Work Packages

WP1. Identification of Reference Problems on Natural Disasters
This work package is intended to select real reference problems on Natural Disasters to be approached by partners through the outcomes of their research areas and available tools, and to determinate the impacts of the results in the governmental decisions about Natural Disasters.

WP2. State-of-the-Art on Simulation Tools for Natural Disasters
Definition of a strategy and the integration methodology to manage natural disasters through the TCAiNMaND technologies, numerical methods and software packages.

WP3. Numerical Methods for Real Time Computations
To advance in the implementation of numerical methods, software package and General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) solutions to allow quasi real-time prediction of natural disasters and the development of forecasting systems. This WP will integrate technology research tasks, re-design of already existing code, and implementation over specific hardware.

WP4. Numerical Methods for a better Resilient Design in Civil Structures
To advance in numerical methods able to predict failures in structures and to integrate them in existing decision support tools for engineers in order to minimize risk from natural disasters.

WP5. New Engineering Materials for most secure buildings
To explore and propose new models and simulation methodologies applied to recent innovations in materials, in order to get better structural properties, such as strength, stiffness, creep and mainly damping.

WP6. Progressive collapse of structures under earthquake loading
Modellisation of loads representative from earthquakes phenomena and their effects on civil structures.

WP7. Image Analysis applied to disaster monitoring
To develop a software system for obtaining information from remotely sensed images in order to analyse the impact of a disaster (illegal lodging, fires, flooding areas, erosions, oil spilling, etc.).

WP8. Multiobjective Optimization for decision making to test confronting scenarios in case of Natural Disaster
To develop an evolutionary multiobjective optimization (MO) platform by putting together several components of evolutionary computation. The new developed algorithms will be easily added. The ultimate goal is to achieve an open design suitable for the interface with simulation packages.

WP9. TCAiNMaND Dissemination and exploitation activities
  • To promote and contribute to the European technology transfer to Latin-America and Asia To schedule the training and dissemination actions
  • To bridge China and Mexico policy makers on TCAiNMaND area of expertise
  • To increase awareness on TCAiNMaND technologies’ suitability for risk assessment and mitigation of ND by showcasing demo cases
  • To act as a discussion platform with policy makers to elaborate on governmental needs

WP10. TCAiNMaND management and network coordination
To ensure the smooth implementation of the project according to its objectives and schedule. Coordination of the communications between the partners and with the European Commission. Assess the progress of the project and undertake actions for potential deviations from the plan.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) under grant agreement n° 612607
For futher information contact us at  infotcainmand@cimat.mx