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CIMNE Researchers

Professor Eugenio Oñate, Director of CIMNE. He is a Civil Engineer (1975) and obtained his PhD in 1979 (Univ. Swansea, UK). His activity in the last 35 years, and in particular since 2006, has combined an academic career as Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), a research activity in the field of numerical methods in engineering and the transfer of research results to industry.

He has published 262 papers in JCR journal (75 papers in 2006-2010, 130 papers published since 2006) on development and applications of numerical methods (finite elements, finite volumes and meshless methods) to structural and fluid dynamics problems, industrial forming processes and the development of decision-support system in engineering, plus 24 papers currently under review process, 3 text books on finite element structural analysis and 45 edited books. He has 3.811 citations and an h-index of 32. He is Chief Editor of two JCR journals and is member of the Editorial Board of 31 JCR journals.

He has taken part in over 400 RTD projects in cooperation with some 200 enterprises (he was PI in 95 RTD projects). 140 of these projects were supported by the European Commission (EC). He has wide experience in the coordination of EC funded projects.

He promoted the creation of ten technology-based companies as spin-offs of CIMNE that market worldwide the products resulting from his research. His research contributions in the field of numerical methods for analysis of structures, fluid dynamics problems and industrial manufacturing processes are internationally recognized with some awards such as the Grand Prize of Japan Society for Computational Engng and Science (2008), O.C. Zienkiewicz Medal of Polish Association for Computational Mechanics(2009), Gauss-Newton Medal of International Association for Computatation. Mechanics (2010) and Honorary Doctorate of Inst. Nationale des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Lion (France, 2012).

Eugenio Oñate's Website

Professor Sergio Idelsohn, Mechanical Engineer (1970) and PhD in 1974 (Applied Sciences, Aeronautics and Spatial Laboratory of the University of Liege). Personality of the year 2010. Newspaper El Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina, ERC Advanced Grant 2009 to develop Real Time computational mechanics in fluid mechanics problems and SEMNI 2009 Award in recognition to a professional and international trajectory in the Numerical Methods in Engineering, among other awards. Currently he is full Professor at Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina (now in leave of absence), ICREA research professor and senior researcher at CIMNE. His main current research lines are computational mechanics, particle methods in structural dynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. 117 papers in international journals included in the ISI Web of Knowledge (October 2010), mainly in International Journal for Numerical Methods and Engineering, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Computers and Structures, Communications in Numerical Methods and Engineering, Int. Journal of Sound and Vibrations, etc. 13 Edited books, more than 100 papers in proceedings congresses and a total number of citations of 1311 (Source: ISI Web of Knowledge, 2010). Index h: 19. Member of the Editorial Board of 14 international journals, organizer of 16 international conferences and invited to deliver 20 Plenary or Keynote Lectures.

Sergio Idelshon's site

Professor Sergio Oller, Civil Engineer (1979) and PhD in 1988 (Technical University of Catalonia, UPC). Doctor Honoris-Causa University of Salta (2007). Currently he is full Professor at UPC and senior researcher at CIMNE. Advisor of 22 PhD Thesis and 13 Master Thesis, 4 books published, and 17 chapter of books. 85 International Journals and 14 National Journals, 18 monographic works and 120 international and national congresses. His main research fields covers from new structural materials, including industrial casting processes, constitutive models, composites materials and fatigue analysis, to parallel computing, earthquake Engineering and dynamic of structures.

Sergio Oller's site

Dr. Francisco Zárate, Civil Engineer. His field of expertise is the analysis and design of structures for a variety of applications in civil engineering, processes and membrane structures. He has developed original work in the field of finite element analysis of sheet stamping simulation. He has 15 publications in the field.

Mrs. Sònia Sagristà, BSc in Biology (2003), Graduated in East Asian Studies (2010) and Master Degree in 2010 (Fudan University). Her professional experience involves coordination and management of international scientific partnerships in China, such as The Genographic Project or a Workshop held in the Spanish Pavilion of the 2010 Universal Expo in Shanghai. In July 2011 she joined CIMNE as China Liaison.

Javier Piazzese, manager of Fundación CIMNE Latinoamérica. He is a civil engineering with wide experience in the integration of IT systems and combining distributed databases multilevel user interfaces and computer simulation codes. He was the coordinator in CIMNE of the IT team, and worked like coordinator and leader of Latin-American and European RTD projects. Expertise areas on decision support systems to risk assessment and management of flood, study of geophysical fluid dynamics of wetland areas and management of floodplains. He is currently the responsible for development and maintenance of the Ramflood/Ramwass DSS for risk assessment and management of flood emergency situations.

Antonia Larese, Associate Research Professor at CIMNE, and Associated Lecturer at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) , where she teaches Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis undergraduate courses (2009-present) and Finite Elements (2008-present) and communications skills (2015-2017) master courses. She is the head of the official Master on Numerical Methods in Engineering of the UPC (EUR-ACE® Master). She is a Civil Engineer by the University of Padua, Italy (2006), M.Sc.in Numerical Methods (2011) and PhD in Structural Analysis (2012) by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).

Her thesis was awarded by Extraordinary Doctorate Award by the UPC, and it was finalist for the best PhD thesis in numerical methods issued by the Spanish Society of Numerical Methods in Engineering (SEMNI).

She has been involved in 10 national and 5 European competitive projects and several private consultancies in the field of computational mechanics.

She is an expert in computational mechanics and fluid structure interaction problems. She has been working with both Eulerian and Lagrangian Particle techniques such as PFEM and MPM. She has published 11 JCR papers. She was the author of 48 proceedings in international congresses. She is author of 3 monographs and 2 book chapters and several other technical documents.

She is currently co-directing three doctoral students and has been director of more than 20 master theses.

She is a member of the Spanish Association for Numerical Methods (SEMNI) and a founding member of the young investigator section of SEMNI.

She is a voting member of the Comité de Cálculo of the Spanish Committee on Large Dams (SpanCOLD) and collaborates with the European Working Group on Risk Assessment of the International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD) European club.

She is one of the main developers of KRATOS Multiphysics open source platform.

Antonia Larese's Website

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) under grant agreement n° 612607
For futher information contact us at  infotcainmand@cimat.mx