Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Beijing hosts third Tsinghua-Swansea Joint Workshop for Computational Mechanics and Computational Engineering

Led by Professor Steve Brown, Deputy Head of Swansea University's College of Engineering and Professor Perumal Nithiarasu, Head of the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering, College of Engineering, a team of eight academic researchers from Swansea attended the two-day workshop.

They were welcomed and hosted by Professor Si Yuan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Tsinghua University, Professor Xingang Liang, Deputy Head of Tsinghua’s School of Aerospace, and Professor Zhuo Zhuang, President of the Chinese Association of Computational Mechanics.

During the workshop, 16 research presentations were given by academics from both institutions, which covered a wide range of research work in computational mechanics and computational engineering, including computational technologies, multiscale modelling, stochastic modelling, materials engineering, biomedical issues and engineering applications.

All the principal investigators involved in the TCAiNMaND project attended the event, namely: Dr. D.J.R. Owen, Dr. Yuntian Feng and Dr. Chenfeng Li from Swansea University, and Dr. Zhuo Zhuang, Dr. Zhanli Liu, and Dr. Xiong Zhang. It was a very fruitful scientific exchange, with challenging discussions that helped in the progress of TCAiNMaND project.

Group photo of the 3rd Tsinghua-Swansea Workshop on Computational Mechanics

Professor Si Yuan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Tsinghua University, gave the welcome address at the official opening of the workshop and said: “It is a great pleasure to welcome our distinguished guests from Swansea University to Tsinghua.

For further details on the workshop, please visit note published at Swansea University.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) under grant agreement n° 612607
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