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TCAiNMaND presented to the EU S&T Commissioner as a success story

On September 8th 2015, Carlos Moedas, Member of the EC in charge of Research, Science and Innovation, visited Tsinghua University in Beijing together with Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President of the European Research Council (ERC), where he met with Xue Qi-Kun, Vice-President for Research of Tsinghua University. Guided by Qingfei Liu, Associate professor at Tsinghua University, he visited a laboratory, and took part to a debate with Chinese scientists.

During his debate with Tsinghua scientists, Professor Zhuo Zhuang, who is the Principal Investigator of TCAiNMaND project at Tsinghua University, delivered a presentation about the progress and advances of the project.

Mr. Moedas during his discussion with Tsinghua scientists. Professor Zhuang is sitting on the right.

Mr. Moedas, one of the 28 Commissioners that make the European Commission’s political leadership, is the highest policy-making authority for Research, Science and Innovation in the European Union. One of Mr. Moedas responsibilities, amongst others, is to evaluate how EU-funded research can be used more effectively, and promote international excellence of the EU’s research and scientific capabilities. TCAiNMaND project was selected as one of the success stories of European research cooperation at Tsinghua. Prof. Zhuang explained the cooperation scheme, the objectives and outputs achieved so far.

A video report on Mr. Moedas visit to Tsinghua University is available here.

Further details on Mr. Moeda’s visit to Tsinghua can be found here (in Chinese).

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) under grant agreement n° 612607
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