Academic visiting to Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering in Swansea University
Under the support of the project TCAiNMaND (TriContinental Alliance in Numerical Methods applied to Natural Disasters), an IRSES Marie Curie Action under the European Union 7th Framework Programme, Dr. Yongliang Wang, a research associate from Applied Mechanics Laboratory and School of Aerospace in Tsinghua University in China, paid an academic visit to Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering (ZC2E) and College of Engineering in Swansea University in UK from 2015 to 2016. The ZC2E in Swansea University has been at the forefront of international research in the area of computational engineering since the 1960s, mainly under the leadership of the late Professor O.C. Zienkiewicz, pioneering the development of many of the cornerstones of the finite element method (FEM).
In ZC2E, Dr. Yongliang Wang joined the research group in charge of associate professor C.F. Li, professor Y.T. Feng and professor D.R.J. Owen, during this time, attended the usual academic events and group meetings. Based on the foundations of earlier research, he combined with the research subjects and interests of visiting group to develop the advanced FEM algorithms for anisotropic rock damage and structural eigenvalue problems.
Group meeting in ZC2E