Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Computing Times in Barcelona
My name is Ernesto Ortega Trujillo, I'm from Mexico and I'm studying the master in Computation and Industrial Mathematics in CIMAT. Nowadays I'm in CIMNE working on my thesis with Professor Julio Marti. My stay is in partly supported the Marie Curie project TCAiNMaND, funded by the European Comission.

The thesis’ main goal is to produce the tools necessary to simulate two fluids using an Eulerian approach for one of them, and a Lagrangian for the other. The idea is to reduce computing times by using a fixed mesh that will not change along time steps for the Eulerian approach, and improving convergence rates using enrichment functions. This type of functions allows us to capture discontinuities and let us use a non-coincident mesh for the interface between the two fluids. We are testing different functions, some of them taken from literature and also some others developed by ourselves.

At the end we want to be able to solve, for example, the temperature field in a domain containing a bar, which will be melting, and air. The bar will be simulated using the Lagrangian formulation and the air using the Eulerian approach.

The implementation is being added to the Kratos project, an open-source multiphysics platform which is being developed in CIMNE. It already has several modules for different types of problems like fluids, solids, heat equation, particles, etc. We will be working with the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM, lagrangian aproach) and the Finite Elemen Method (Eulerian approach).

CIMNE is located in Barcelona, a great, beautiful, multicultural and modern city. One of the things I really like is the cycling infrastructure; it looks like you can move everywhere within the city using your bicycle. There are roads even in the mountains, like Passeig de les Aigües, in perfect conditions to do some walking, running, hiking, etc. Furthermore the city has a lot of interesting places to visit, like antique churches and museums.

Most of time I have been here, I have enjoyed it, not only because CIMNE is a great place to do numerical methods but also because the city has a lot to offer.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) under grant agreement n° 612607
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