Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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Objectives accomplished

Objectives accomplished!

Ester Comellas Sanfeliu

I can’t believe how fast these two months in Guanajuato have gone by. Today has been my last day at CIMAT and it has been hard saying goodbye to all the great people I have met and worked with during my stay. Hopefully, it’s not a goodbye but an until next time!

Contentedly, I return to Barcelona having met the goals we set for my secondment, having learnt much in the field of parallelization and optimization, and looking forward to continue collaborating with Dr. Botello’s group.  Last Friday, I presented our results at the Computation Seminar, which is regularly held in CIMAT. We managed to successfully parallelize the PLCd code in extremis, working side-by-side with Miguel. The results are great since we have managed to reduce about one fourth the calculation time of a FE problem. Also, we have encouraging results related to the use of the OPTIMATE program to adjust the material parameters of a structure. We will continue working on this once I’m back in CIMNE since we believe these achievements are publishable.

Hopefully, my leaving CIMAT is only the beginning of a long-distance collaboration between our work groups which will be reinforced by the secondments of my colleagues, both in CIMNE and CIMAT, planned for this and the following year. I end my stay in Guanajuato happy to have had the chance to work with Dr. Botello, Dr. Ivvan Valdés and Miguel Vargas, grateful to Susana Montalvo for all her help and dedication and looking forward to coming back to México and its friendly people again in the future.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) under grant agreement n° 612607
For futher information contact us at  infotcainmand@cimat.mx